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Sigma Protocols

Those are key to understanding Private Contract Signatures. A good reference is  here.

In general

Sigma protocols involve a verifier ($A$) and prover ($B$). They suppose that Alice and Bob share a public input $v$ and agree on an efficiently testable relation $R$, and that Bob pretends to have a private input $w$:

  • such that $(v,w)\in R$;
  • which he does does not want to disclose.

Through the protocol, Bob will seek to convince Alice.

The protocol has three rounds:

Lastly, Alice checks that Bob response $r$ to her challenge $c$ is valid. This explains what the last two rounds are for. The first round is there out of technical necessity: Bob chooses this $a$ as a mask for passing the challenge without disclosing $w$.


Here are examples of Sigma protocols based on the hardness of Discrete Logarithms. Fix $p$ a prime and $g$ an integer. The powers of $g$ form a subgroup $G$ inside the group $Z_p$, which is that of integers modulo $p$. The choice of these $p$ and $g$ is important so that they meet the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption; but there are standard techniques for doing that.

Ex. 1: Schnorr identification protocol

Fix $g$ an integer.

  • Public input $v=\textrm{Pub}^B$.
  • Agreed relation $(v,w)\in R \Leftrightarrow g^w=v$.
  • Private input $w=\textrm{Priv}_B$.
  • Bob will need some random ephemeral $s\in Z_p$.
  • Alice will need some random $c\in Z_p$.

The protocol has three rounds:

Alice validates Bob’s response by checking that $g^r=v^ca$. Indeed, if Bob was honest it should be that

Denote by $(a,c)\mapsto\textrm{Schnorr}_B(a,c)$ the response of this protocol, done by prover $B$ with mask $a$ and under challenge $c$.

Beware that $B$ must not be left to freely choose the challenge, otherwise he can generate valid triplets through the following simulator:

  • Pick $c,r$.
  • Let $a=g^{r}v^{-c}$.

Indeed, you then have $g^{r}=v^{c}a$ so that the run is valid.

Ex. 2: Diffie-Hellman pairs

Fix $g$ and $h$ integers. The powers of $h$ form a subgroup $H$ inside the group $Z_p$.

  • Public input $u\in G,v\in H$.
  • Agreed relation $((u,v),w)\in R \Leftrightarrow g^w=u \wedge h^w=v$.
  • Private input $w$.
  • Bob will need some random $s\in Z_p$.
  • Alice will need some random $c\in Z_p$.

The protocol has three rounds:

Alice validates Bob’s response by checking that $g^r=u^ca$ and that $h^{r}=v^{c}a’$. Indeed, if Bob was honest it should be that $g^r={g^w}^c g^s=u^ca$ and similarly for $h$ with $v$.

Beware that $B$ must not be left to freely choose the challenge, otherwise he can generate valid triplets through the following simulator:

  • Pick $c,r$.
  • Let $a=g^{r}u^{-c}$ and $a’=h^{r}v^{-c}$.

Indeed, you then have $g^{r}=u^{c}a$ and $h^{r}=v^{c}a’$ so that the run is valid.

Ex. 3: Proof of cyphertext content by encrypter

Fix $g$ and $h=g^x=\textrm{Pub}^T$ integers.

  • Public input $m$ and $n=(u,v)$.
  • Agreed relation $((m,n),w)\in R \Leftrightarrow u=g^w \wedge v={g^x}^w m \Leftrightarrow n={m}_{\textrm{Pub}^T}$ under ElGamal with ephemeral key $w$.
  • Private input $w$.
  • Bob will need some random $s\in Z_p$.
  • Alice will need some random $c\in Z_p$.

The protocol has three rounds:

Alice validates Bob’s response by checking that $g^r=u^ca$ and that ${g^x}^{r}=(v/m)^{c}a’$. Indeed, if Bob was honest it should be that $g^r={g^w}^c g^s=u^ca.$ and similarly for $h=g^x$ with $v’=v/m$.

Denote by $(a,c)\mapsto\textrm{CCE}^T(m,n)(a,c)$ the response of this protocol, done towards T with mask a and under challenge c.

Beware that $B$ must not be left to freely choose the challenge, otherwise he can generate valid triplets through the following simulator:

  • Pick $c,r$.
  • Let $a=g^{r}u^{-c}$ and $a’={g^x}^{r}{(v/m)}^{-c}$.

Indeed, you then have $g^{r}=u^{c}a$ and ${g^x}^{r}={(v/m)}^{c}a’$ so that the run is valid.

Ex. 4: Proof of cyphertext content by decrypter

Fix $g$ and $h=g^x=\textrm{Pub}^T$ integers.

  • Public input $m$ and $n=(u,v)$.
  • Agreed relation $((m,n),w)\in R \Leftrightarrow v=u^x m \Leftrightarrow n={m}_{\textrm{Pub}^T}$ under ElGamal for Trent.
  • Private input $x=\textrm{Priv}_T$.
  • Trent will need some random $s\in Z_p$.
  • Alice will need some random $c\in Z_p$.

The protocol has three rounds:

Alice validates Trent’s response by checking that $g^r=h^c a$ and that $u^r=(v/m)^{c} a’$. Indeed, if Trent was honest it should be that


Denote by $(a,c)\mapsto\textrm{CCD}^T(m,n)(a,c)$ the response of this protocol, done towards T with mask a and under challenge c.

Beware that $T$ must not be left to freely choose the challenge, otherwise he can generate valid triplets through the following simulator:

  • Pick $c,r$.
  • Let $a=g^{r}u^{-c}$ and $a’={u}^{r}{(v/m)}^{-c}$.

Indeed, you then have $g^{r}=u^{c}a$ and ${u}^{r}={(v/m)}^{c}a’$ so that the run is valid.


Consider $v_0, v_1$ and $R_0, R_1$. Say Bob pretends to have $w_0, w_1$ such that $(v_0,w_0)\in R_0 \wedge (v_1,w_1)\in R_1$, and does not want to disclose them. Is there a Sigma protocol for this new relation $R_0\wedge R_1={(v_0,v_1),(w_0,w_1)\,|\,(v_0,w_0)\in R_0 \wedge (v_1,w_1)\in R_1}$? If there was some for $R_0$ and $R_1$, then yes. It suffices to combine the parallel run of both protocols into one, as tuples. We cannot use twice the same mask a for security reasons, so although could use twice the same challenge c for both runs, we will assume that both a and c are in fact pairs.

Denote by $(a,c)\mapsto(P \wedge Q)(a,c)$ the response to the and composition of P and Q, under the pair of masks a and the pair of challenges c.

Now, say Bob pretends to have one of $w_0$ or $w_1$, and does not want to disclose it, not tell which one it is. Is there a Sigma protocol for this new relation $R_0\vee R_1={(v_0,v_1),(w_0,w_1)\,|\,(v_0,w_0)\in R_0 \vee (v_1,w_1)\in R_1}$? If there was some for $R_0$ and $R_1$, then sometimes yes. This sometimes is related to Bob’s ability to simulate, on its own, a valid run of the component Sigma protocols. In other words, for instance say that Bob does not know $w_1$, but that he has the freedom to choose himself the corresponding challenge $c_1$. Is he able to efficiently generate $a_1,c_1,r_1$ so that they are valid? If so, then yes. This particular property of the component Sigma protocols is referred to as existence of a simulator or special honest-verifier zero-knowledge. Here is how.

  • Public input $v_0,v_1$.
  • Agreed relation $R_0\vee R_1$.
  • Private input $w_0$, say, but could equally be $w_1$.
  • Bob will need some random $(u_0,a_0)\in R_0$ and some run $a_1,c_1,r_1$.
  • Alice will need some random $c$.

The protocol has three rounds:

where $r_0$ is computed by Bob thanks to his knowledge of $w_0$. Alice validates Bob response by checking that:

  • $c=c_0\oplus c_1$
  • $a_0,c_0,r_0$ is valid
  • $a_1,c_1,r_1$ is valid

The intuition is that Bob has “divided up” the random challenge $s$ into $c_0$ which is random, and $c_1$, which is chosen. He has passed the challenge $c_0$ thanks to his $w_0$. He has passed the challenge $c_1$ because it was an easy challenge that he has himself chosen.

Denote by $(a,c)\mapsto(P \vee Q)(a,c)$ the response to the or composition of two protocols P and Q, under the divided up mask a and challenge c.

Non-interactive version

Instead of doing the Sigma protocol in three rounds, we could just do it in one round, by using the Fiat-Shamir heuristics. The idea is that Bob challenges himself with something that he does not really control, namely $H(a,m)$, where $H$ is a hash function like SHA2 and $m$ is a public input, often just $v$. For instance, let us apply this procedure to the Schnorr identification protocol. We get:

  • Public input $m=v\in G$.
  • Agreed relation $(v,w)\in R \Leftrightarrow g^w=v$.
  • Private input $w$.
  • Bob will need some random $s\in Z_p$.

The modified protocol has only one true round, since B’ is just B challenging himself:

Alice validates Bob response by checking that $c=H(a,m)$ and that $v^{-c}g^r=a$. Indeed, if Bob was honest it should be that


Denote by $\textrm{NI}(P)(m)=(g^s,H(g^s,m),P(g^s,H(g^s,m)))$ the non-interactive version of P.

Notice that is some Sigma protocols, such as those obtained by and-composition, we have $a=(a_1=g_1^{s_1},a_2=g_2^{s_2},\ldots)$ and $c=(c_1,c_2,\ldots)$, in which case we use $c=(c_1=H(a_i,m), c_2=H(a_2,m), \ldots)$ for their non-interactive versions.

Schnorr signatures

Let us further modify the above, and say that the challenge that Bob will put to himself is to be fabricated based upon some public $m$ instead of $v$.

  • Public input $m$ a message and $v=\textrm{Pub}^B$.
  • Agreed relation $(v,w)\in R \Leftrightarrow g^w=v$.
  • Private input $w=\textrm{Priv}_B$.
  • Bob will need some random ephemeral $s\in Z_p$.

Bob computes $c=H(g^s,m)$ and $r=s+wc$.

Bob signs $m\in G$ as $(c,r)$.

Alice verifies $(c,r)$ checking that $c=H(a, m)$ with $a=v^{-c}g^r$.

Indeed, if Bob was honest it should be that $v^{-c}g^r =g^{-wc}g^{wc+s} =g^s=a$.

Thus, a Schnorr signature of the message m is essence just the non-interactive version of the Schnorr identification protocol, i.e.

with s random. In practice the first element of the triple is dropped.