securely exchange anything, anywhere, with anyone.
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Securely exchange anything, anywhere, with anyone.


Fix $p$ a prime and $g$ an integer. The powers of $g$ form a subgroup $G$ inside the group $Z_p$, which is that of integers modulo $p$. The choice of these $p$ and $g$ is important so that they meet the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption ; but there are standard techniques for doing that.

Say Bob generates $\textrm{Priv}_B=x, \textrm{Pub}_B=g^x$ and makes the latter public.

ElGamal encryption

Alice needs a random ephemeral key $w$.

Alice encrypts $m\in G$ as ${m}_{\textrm{Pub}_B}=(g^w,{g^x}^w m)$.

Bob decrypts $(u,v)$ as $v/u^x$.

Indeed, if Alice was honest it should be that $v/u^x=g^{xw}m/g^{wx}=m$.